Yemen – Houthi sniping increases in Taiz, despite the ceasefire


Location: Taiz – Yemen

Language: Arabic

Duration: 00:01:53

Sound: natural

Source: A24 in Yemen

Restrictions: A24 subscribers

Date: 15/08/ 2022


Houthi snipers are increasingly targeting people in Taiz, in southwest Yemen, resulting in dozens of civilian casualties.

Houthis are continually sniping and shelling residential neighborhoods and rural villages close to the frontlines, despite the ongoing ceasefire.

Today, Monday, a Houthi sniper wounded a citizen in Taiz. Aseel Thakir Al-Aghbari, was shot in the thigh by a Houthi sniper, next to the old Governorate building, in Salh District, and transported to Al-Thawra General Hospital, a local source told A24.

The United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs in Yemen reported that more than 150 civilians in Yemen have been killed since the ceasefire started on April 2.


– Soundbite (Aseel Thakir Al-Aghbari – Shot by Houthi sniper):

“I was on my way to Shaab al-Daba area to drop off my colleague, when I a Houthi sniper suddenly shot me. The moment I heard the shot, I felt my leg convulse and saw it bleed, as I was on my motorcycle. After the shot I tried to escape the sniper.”

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