New Year’s Eve celebrations from Various arab countries

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Citizens in the Arab and Islamic countries celebrated the New Year’s Eve holiday, in which cafes, hotels, and main squares were adorned, and fireworks were launched in preparation to receive the New Year, amid wishes that the next year will be a peaceful and a stable year



The atmosphere of joy and celebration engulfed many Arab countries on the occasion of the New Year’s eve holiday, where the streets and the main squares of Arab capitals were adorned and decorated with lights, and fireworks were launched, celebrating the next year anniversary. Celebrants wished peace and security in the Arab and Islamic countries would prevail.

Celebrants received the New Year’s eve with celebrations, while singing, dancing, turning off the lights and counting down to zero to celebrate the beginning of 2016, the moment when people exchange greetings, wishing happiness for all in this new year eve, amid an atmosphere of happiness


Jordanians celebrated the New Year’s Eve, where the main streets, hotels and public spaces were adorned with lights and decorations to celebrate the New Year’s Eve. Celebrants wished peace and security would prevail in Jordan and all Arab countries amid joy, expressing their happiness by singing and dancing.


Despite the difficult conditions experienced by the Iraqis, they celebrated the New Year Eve. Streets were decorated to express joy and happiness with the end of 2015 and the arrival of 2016. Iraqis hoped that terrorism would disappear completely in 2016, and that peace and security would prevail in Iraq and in all Arab and Islamic countries.


Gaza witnessed celebrations by thousands of people.

Citizens wished that peace would prevail in the region, as well as the release of prisoners in Israeli jails, and the establishment of a Palestinian state


Bahrain’s citizens and residents celebrated the New Year’s Eve, decorating cafes and hotels in preparation for receiving the New Year, amid wishes of a year full with peace and security.

The new year began by turning off the lights and counting down to zero, so 2015 will change to 2016 ,the moment when people exchange greetings, wishing happiness in this new year, amid an atmosphere of solidarity.


In the city of Istanbul, streets and parks were adorned, where songs and music can be heard in hotels and cafes in the streets of the city of Istanbul, expressing joy and happiness


In the city of Qamishli, Syriac Women’s Union celebrated the Christmas and New Year’s Eve with children in the city northeastern Syria, in an attempt to change the children’s mood from the atmosphere of war, destruction and terrorism to an atmosphere of joy. The ceremony included singing, distribution of gifts, and playing with Santa Claus.


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