Peru- Archeologists discover 800-year-old Pre-Inca mummy in Peru


Location: Lima, Peru

Source: A24

Restrictions: A24 Subscribers


Dateline: 31-3-2022


A mummy estimated to be between 800 and 1000 years old has been unearthed by archeologists in Peru, at a site near the country’s capital city of Lima. Researchers from the National University of San Marcos found the preserved body underground in the middle of a town square at the archeological site of Cajamarquilla, around 25 kilometers inland from Lima. The mummy was tied with ropes and with its hands covering its face, in what researchers say is a southern Peruvian funeral custom. The age of the mummy means it dates back to the Inca civilization. Archeologist Pieter Van Dalen, who is in charge of the Cajamarquilla project, said the mummy would have been buried sometime between 800 and 1000 AD. Van Dalen said the remains are of a person who lived in the high Andean region of the country. He added that in the tomb were also offerings including ceramics, vegetable remains and stone tools. Archaeologist Yomira Huamán said it was one of the most important finds at a national and international level as well.


– (Soundbite) Archaeologist Yomira Huamán, Responsible for the “Cajamarquilla” archaeological research Project

“At the beginning we didn’t think it was a tomb, we thought it was just another deposit. With a simple depth. But when we uncovered a mud seal, it was that we found the famous mummy of Cajamarquilla or the Lord of Cajamarquilla as they know him.”

– (Soundbite) Archaeologist Pieter Van Dalen, Director of the “Cajamarquilla” archaeological research Project

“Approximately this person would have been buried between the year 800 to 1000 AD. That is to say, we speak of the mid-Andean horizon period and the importance lies in the way in which she has been buried. Tied with ropes, with a series of associated materials. Which denotes that it would be a character from the high Andean region of Lima who would have come through commercial activity to this area of ​​Cajamarquilla and when he died he would have been buried associated with about thirty people. Many of them that were sacrificed in honor of him.”

– (Soundbite) Archaeologist Yomira Huamán

“It was one of the most important finds of 2021 at a national and international level as well. But the curious thing was the tomb. It is an oval tomb, approximately three meters. We just discovered inside that this tomb had an entrance, with a horseshoe-shaped door.”

– (Soundbite) Archaeologist Pieter Van Dalen

“It is not the first mummy that has been found, there are many mummies in different places in Peru. But this one is particular precisely because of the way it is tied, because of the characteristics it presents. So, the world must know that just as in Egypt they embalmed, they mummified their pharaohs and in other countries, in Peru we also did it.”

– (Soundbite) Archaeologist Yomira Huamán

“This character is yet to be investigated. It will help us to solve many hypotheses. If he really belonged to the mountains and what was he doing on the coast? What was his way of life? What was his cause of death? and above all the treatment that was carried out so that his skin is preserved to this day. His skin is preserved, his upper part is well mummified and even his hands can be seen.”

– (Soundbite) Archaeologist Yomira Huamán

“Now, after finding the mummy, Archaeologist Wilton Sedano decided to go down further and that’s where the tomb of a woman was found, and children were also found deposited at the level of that woman.”

– (Soundbite) Archaeologist Pieter Van Dalen

“In total there are almost thirty people who are associated, but 12 of them are children who would have possibly been sacrificed. We are still in the process of investigation. Unfortunately, the lack of budget availability is slowing us down with the analysis process and learning more about the characteristics of these individuals.”

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