Jordanian Folkloric fashion, colorful magic and elegance

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Jordanians have kept their history and their culture by wearing traditional clothes with embroidered motifs and forms that reflect the customs, traditions and social ideas. Jordanian folklore fashion despite its beauty and elegance, but it carries a lot of inherited beliefs from ancestor.


The popular Jordanian embroidery is a historic Art, which features a range of designs and symbols of Jordan which refers to the beliefs and social patterns of thinking of Jordanians handed down through centuries.

Jordan popular fashion is a set of social connotations area where methods used vary in embroidery decoration, despite the similarity in forms but dress colors indicate age, marital status, where fashion colors vary from a married woman and unmarried and colored according to areas.

Jordanian dress has several names like Almadrqh, Alkhalqa and Aljalaya and many others and usually decorated with a cloth made from embroidered and sometimes adorned with silk and gold pounds.

And for every occasion, there is a special dress differing in color and decoration and you will find colored robes decorated with gold thread and find white dress embroidered with bright colors that reflect the meanings of love and loyalty.


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