Jordan: A ministerial meeting of the “Union for the Mediterranean”

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Dead sea-Jordan – 3/6/2016

A meeting was held today in the Jordanian capital Amman of the Planning Ministers and International Cooperation of 43 countries in the “Union for the Mediterranean” group, this meeting aims to identify the key steps to enhance the impact of the regional cooperation between the participating countries, and cooperation steps and regional planning at the level of the member states.

The Minister of Planning and International Cooperation Imad Fakhoury said that we agreed to redouble the efforts to translate the priorities into action within the planning activities of the countries of the Union group, and coordinate the the funded cooperation from all sides, and promote the economic integration using a style that can assure the benefit for all countries, and supports the efforts to reconstruction, peace and stability in the region.

The Ministers recognized at the conference the need to promote the economic integration between the countries of the region in order to create jobs and achieve inclusive growth, and commended the efforts of the Secretariat and its role in the progress in the field of economic cooperation which 45 project of the member states have been identified, 22 of them are being implemented at the present time.



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