Jordan: People of color protest government denying them establishing their own party in Jordan

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ـAmman – Jordan – 4/6/2016

Jordanian Unionist Party staged a protest involving dozens of brown-skinned people, the protest started from Al-Husseini Mosque in the Jordanian capital Amman to the Hashemite Plaza, in protest against the decision of the parties in the Ministry of Political Development of refusing their party on the basis of brown skin color.





Dozens of black-skinned people participated in a protest in the center of the Jordanian capital Amman to protest against the decision of the parties in the Ministry of Political Development for rejecting their party on the basis of the brown skin color. PPC has issued a decision refusing to grant the license for violating the provisions of Article V of the Political Parties Law, which states “No party may be established on a religious, sectarian or class basis or on the basis of discrimination”.

The participants in the protest gathered at the Husseini Mosque, in the center of the Jordanian capital Amman, which was attended by dozens of dark skinned people. The founder of the Jordanian Unionist party stressed that the decision of the parties committee not to allow them to license their party is a racist decision and they must apologize to the people of Jordan and must approve the party’s license.
It is worth to mention that the Jordanian government said earlier that the rejection of the Parties Affairs Committee to license the mentioned party came for violating the provisions of the parties’ laws, denying that the reason of the rejection is the color of the applicants’ skin.



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