Jordan – Khamenei’s speech carries several important messages at nationally and internationally 

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Amman – Jordan 18/01/2020

The speech of The Supreme Leader of the Iranian Revolution, Ali Khamenei, during last Friday prayers in Tehran, in which he addressed several internal and regional topics sparked controversy among political circles, where a number of analysts and partisans pointed out that the speech carried several messages inside Iran, most notably the need to unite the ranks of people to face U.S. threats and economic sanctions imposed on Iran, in addition to regional and international messages aimed at avoiding the region more wars and blood, Khamenei called on the Arab and Islamic world in his speech to take advantage of the military and economic possibilities in stopping the American attack on his country describing it as egotistical and aggressive, he also explained that Iran is open to a real dialogue with all regional powers and with the Arab countries specifically to stop the rhetoric of sedition between Shiite and Sunni communities, he also warned the West against continuing to help Americans to wage war on Iran and tighten the blockade, adding that Iran has several tools to use in the face of conflict.

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