Yemen: Al-Mukalla city destruction after its liberation from Alqaeda

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National Army forces managed to liberate Al-Mukalla city of Hadhramout in southern Yemeni from Al-Qaeda with the support of the Arab coalition forces, and the city of Mukalla is experiencing a state of severe damage to buildings and infrastructure as a result of the indiscriminate bombing of the city.


National Army forces managed to liberate Al-Mukalla city of Hadhramout in southern Yemeni from Al-Qaeda who resided in the city since last April with the support of the Arab coalition forces, and the city of Mukalla is experiencing a state of severe damage to buildings and infrastructure as a result of the indiscriminate bombing of the city.
The city of Mukalla is the third most important after the Yemeni city of Sanaa and Aden, and is characterized by a strategic location as the city overlooking the Arabian Sea.



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