Jordan: Joe Biden in Amman

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A brief about the United States vice president “Joe Biden” visit to Amman on Thursday including his arrival at Marka Airport and his meeting with his Majesty king Abdullah II and his later visit to the special joint operations headquarters.

The American Vice President “Joe Biden” arrived to Jordan on Thursday during his tour to the Middle East and he was welcomed by a group of Jordanian officials and the American Ambassador in Jordan “Alice G. Wells”

His Majesty King Abdullah II met with the American Vice President “Joe Biden” at Alhusaineya Palace and they discussed the strategic relations between the two countries and the regional and international development and ways to handle it and they also discussed the efforts made to fight against terrorism and extremism in the region.

His Majesty also expressed the burdens imposed on Jordan due to receiving a large number of Syrian refugees and providing them with basic essential needs which was appreciated by “Joe Biden” who admired Jordan efforts to achieve peace in the region and their efforts to stand against terrorism and he also said that USA will cooperate with Jordan in more than one level.

His Majesty King Abdullah II headed with the American Vice President “Joe Biden” to the Special Joint operations headquarters afterwards.



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