Evacuation of Jouwaiba residents near Ramadi trapped by ISIS.

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The Iraqi forces evacuated 64 families trapped in Jouwaiba under the control of ISIS organization via safe outlets provided by Iraqi forces after surrounding the city before attacking to liberate it from ISIS.





The Iraqi forces, Counter terrorism and security forces evacuated 64 trapped families from ISIS in Jouwaiba in the eastern part of Alramadi in Anbar province via safe tunnels provided by the forces.

The counter terrorism are working on securing the rest of the families to send them along with the 1900 family who were taken to secure camps in the preparation process of attacking the Jouwaiba and cleansing it from ISIS members after Alsajaria liberation.

The Iraqi joint forces are at the gates of Jouwaiba to surround ISIS from Alsajaria side which was recently liberated and cleansed from ISIS killing 125 of their members.



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