Yemen – Southern Transitional Council commemorated southern secession in Aden


Location: Aden – Yemen

Language: Arabic

Duration: 00:02:24

Sound: Natural

Source: A24

Restrictions: A24 clients

Dateline: 21/05/2022


The Southern Transitional Council organized a ceremony in Aden attended by the council’s leaders and community based organizations, to commemorate the 28th anniversary of the southern secession from northern Yemen that took place in 1994. The ceremony was held under the slogan “People of the south stand by their demands for the return of their land and the independence of their country. The south belongs to its people.” The ceremony involved reciting poems, singing anthems, and performing contemporary dances. Other events to commemorate the secession took place in Lahj, Abyan, Hadramawt and Shabwa, where people reiterated their demands for the return of South Yemen.


Soundbite (Abdul-Qawi Al-Solh – Head of the Economic Department in the General Secretariat of the Presidency of the Southern Transitional Council):

“Today, people of southern Yemen commemorate the 28th anniversary of the secession between The People’s Democratic Republic of Yemen and the Yemen Arab Republic. On this day, we reiterate the demands of southern people who want peace, which can be achieved only through secession. We call on the world for support to meet our demands.”

Soundbite (Niran Souqi, member of the Presidency of the Southern Transitional Council):

“Today we commemorate the 28th anniversary of the southern secession that took place in 1994. The secession was a clear violation of the rights of southern people. Affash forces entered the south in 1990 against the will of its people and declared unity. During the following four years, many military personnel were discharged and eliminated. Other violations against people of the south included murder and mayhem.

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