Ukraine – Warehouses become center for receiving and distributing aid


Location: Ivano-Frankivs’k – Ukraine

Language: Ukrainian

Voice: Natural

Duration: 00:05:32

Source:  A24

Restrictions: A24 Subscribers

Dateline: 30-03-2022


Warehouses have become a center for receiving and distributing essential humanitarian aid for citizens who suffered from the Russian invasion of Ivano-Frankivsk city in the Carpathian region of western Ukraine. The Warehouses, owned by the city administration and private businesses, were used to store building materials, automotive parts, and household equipment. Dozens of European countries launched campaigns to raise funding in support of people fleeing the invasion of Ukraine, in partnership with government agencies, commercial companies, and non-profit foundations. The aid Shipments included water, groceries, hygiene products, medicines, and clothes. Roman Pychyzhak, Head of the Department of Culture and Tourism of the City Council said Ukraine’s partners Germany and Poland sent 14 trucks full of humanitarian aid to the city. He said the city also received humanitarian aid from other countries like Romania, Germany, Netherlands, Belgium, Denmark, Switzerland, and Greece. Galyna, a volunteer pharmacist, said people coming from dangerous regions to the city received medicines like antiseptics, ointments for treating wounds, cold remedies, bandages, cotton wool, gloves, and masks.  The city’s MayorRuslanMartsinkiv hailed the E.U countries’ support to Ukraine to help it withstand the ramifications of the Russian war.


  • (SOUNDBITE) Roman Pychyzhak – Head of the Department of Culture and Tourism of the City Council:

“These days we received help from our partners from Poland and Germany. It’s 14 trucks full of humanitarian aid. We continue to receive assistance from our partners in Romania, Germany, Netherlands, Belgium, Denmark, Switzerland, Greece. I am now listing the countries being surprised at how great the support that other countries are providing. Latvia also stepped in.”

  • (SOUNDBITE) Galyna – volunteer pharmacist

“Here we sort medicines for residents temporarily resettled from dangerous regions. It includes antiseptics, ointments for treating wounds, cold remedies, bandages, cotton wool, gloves, masks.”

  • (SOUNDBITE) RuslanMartsinkiv – Mayor of Ivano-Frankivs’k

“All the countries of the EU today are helping Ukraine to stand up in the fight against the enemy. So, I want to thank them on behalf of our citizens, on behalf of our soldiers who are on the frontline today, on behalf of the settlers who are moving to Ivano-Frankivs’k. We really needed this help.

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