Jordan : Independence day celebrations and the centenary of the Great Arab Revolt

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Jordanians from different origins and assets celebrate on Wednesday the anniversary of independence and the Great Arab Revolt in the capital Amman, where the atmosphere is full of joy and happiness in the city, through concerts and festivals also cars processions decorated by the flags of Jordan and the Great Arab Revolt.

Historic occasions planted the seeds of this country and narrated sacrifice, courage, love and belonging, so the sons of the homeland can derive the values, principles and political underpinnings of the nation. Where the Jordanians recall in these days events that made the history, as they stand out of respect for the leaders and the men and women who put an approach to illuminate Jordan’s road into the future.

Jordanians from different origins and assets celebrate on Wednesday the anniversary of independence and the Great Arab Revolt in the capital Amman, where the atmosphere is full of joy and happiness in the city, through concerts and festivals also cars processions decorated by the flags of Jordan and the Great Arab Revolt.

It is noteworthy that the anniversary of independence is of great importance to the hearts of all the Jordanians led by the Hashemites who worked very hard to lay the foundations of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan.



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