Yemen – Houthis continue to lay mines in the residential areas of Hudaydah and Taiz

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Hudaydah and Taiz Governorates – Yemen 20/01/2019

The number of civilian deaths and injuries, especially children continues to increase daily in the governorates of Hudaydah and Taiz due to the mines and explosives that Houthis keep laying along roads and fields. These mines have caused the amputation of hundreds of citizens, messing up their lives in a scenario of lifelong suffering. Child Maha is one of the victims of a landmine explosion near her houses that resulted in the amputation of her leg. In addition to that is the shortage in aid that might help a little in easing her pain. Recently, the Doctors Without Borders organization accused Houthis of laying thousands of mines and handmade explosives along the roads and fields of governorates Taiz and Hudaydah for the purpose of hindering the movement of Yemeni armed forces.

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