Jordan – Repercussions of Russian-Ukrainian War on Prices in Jordan


Location: Amman, Jordan

Language: Arabic

Duration: 00:04:32

Voice: Natural

Source: A24 Jordan

Restriction: A24 subscribers

Date: 05/11/2022


Russian-Ukrainian war directly affected the global and Arab markets, which led to a sharp rise in prices, especially the main foodstuffs such as cereals and food oils that are used on a daily basis in all Arab homes.

Jordan is a country that suffers from a high cost of living, as it imports large quantities of vegetable oils and grains from Ukraine, making the Jordanian citizen the main affected by this high prices.

Speaking to A24, citizen Tariq Abu Jarad said that low and limited wages have forced people to buy basic commodities, which are difficult to obtain amid high prices.

The economic expert, Muhammad Al-Bashir, said that the epidemic and the Russian-Ukrainian war affected the market related to strategic goods and caused prices to rise, whether foodstuffs or oil products. He added that a group of major companies are controlling the prices of the global single market.

Shot list:

Soundbite (Mohammed Abu Jarada – Jordanian citizen):

“Amid the deteriorating economic conditions, citizens were limited to buying things necessary for living. Low salaries have forced employees to only buy basic things and pay the basics, including house rent and bills, and neglect getting a lot of things like fruit. Not everyone can buy fruit.”

Soundbite (Um Muhamad – Jordanian citizen):

“This time is different; I can’t buy the things I used to buy and have. Previously I used to buy a kilo, but now I only buy half a kilo because of the high prices. The prices of essential oils and rice have risen dramatically. Winter is approaching and kerosene prices have gone up. citizen cannot afford all this.”

Soundbite (Mohammed Al-Bashir – economist):

“We all know that the issue of the single market globally is generally dominated by a group of large corporations. Strategic commodities have been greatly affected by price increases, and whether the issue is related to the Covid epidemic or the Russian-Ukrainian war, the result is the control of the prices of basic food and oil commodities, as well as iron commodities. All this is controlled by a group of major corporations, and this is reflected in various countries of the world, and here comes the less fortunate countries in salaries and the gap between citizens and companies increases.

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