International forum of Young Entrepreneurs starts in Bahrain

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The International Forum of Young Entrepreneurs started in the Bahraini capital Manama under the patronage of the Ministry of Industry, Trade and Tourism, in collaboration with several groups of national and international organizations.

The International Forum of Young Entrepreneurs in Bahrain’s capital Manama started under the auspices of the Minister of Industry, Trade and Tourism Zayed Al Zayani, with collaboration of several groups and organizations, both national and international, the first of its kind in the Middle East and Gulf countries

It aims to overcome the current challenges in the region since it affects all segments of society by introducing them entrepreneurship, and provide them with the skills that should be available by work owners, and challenge the obstacles they face, and included a forum bearing the name of a session, “the owner of a beginner project” which aim young people to define stages that it passes by leading apprentice work



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