Tunisian Jordanian business forum a new step for cooperation between the two countries

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Tunisian Jordanian business forum opened on Tuesday morning with the participation of more than forty Jordanian businessman, a gesture from Tunisia export (Cepex) and in cooperation with the Tunisian Chamber of Industry and Commerce to facilitate economic and trade cooperation and open new doors between the two countries.

Initiated from Tunisia export (Cepex) and the Tunisian chamber of commerce, Tunisian Jordanian business forum opened with the participation of more than 40 Jordanian businessman to achieve positive results at the level of Jordanian-Tunisian economic relations and increasing the volume of trade exchange as well. This comes since Tunisia is the gate to countries of Europe and Africa, and take advantage of the Tunisian experience in European trading.
For his part, the Tunisian Minister of trade welcomed such cooperation between the two countries emphasizing the importance of Jordan since it’s is the Gate to Iraq and Gulf market. He also said that the ministry is ready to cooperate fully with their Jordanian counterparts to remove all obstacles in order to develop two-way trade between the two countries and mutual investments.



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