World government summit starts in dubai.

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The fourth session of the World Government Summit opened in Dubai and will be held until the 10th of February with the presence of 125 country and international institutions and organizations.




The fourth session of the World Government Summit opened in Dubai under the quote “Shaping Future government” with the participation of 3000 important figure and experts in the public and private sectors the from 125 country.
The program included many aspects related to studies and research including teaching future, health care, public employment, inventions and technology, economics, labor market and human capital management, development and sustainability, and the cities of the future. This conference aims to discuss ways to develop future governments to bring developments, in addition to enabling governments to establish transparency and fairness towards society and the citizen service. The program continues on previous years approach, seeking further development through the conversion of government summit from global event to a global organization focused on exploring the future of humanity in all sectors, and changed its name from a government summit to become the World Summit for governments due to the involvement of large numbers of countries. Besides the establishment of a knowledge platform for specialized electronic world governments.



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