Self Administration statement regarding International coalition delegation visit to Syria.

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The Democratic self Administration executive chairman stated that the International coalition visit to Kobani of Northern Syria and final meetings confirm that the decisive word of political solution in Syria will be for the vital forces on the ground.




Akram Hassou, the Democratic self Administration executive chairman confirmed that international coalition delegation met to fight against terrorist ISIS and it was led by the American president Barack Obama representative for the Iraqi and Syrian files, the General Thomas, American forces leader of the forces in Iraq and Syria

The meeting covered three aspects which are Democratic Syria forces, People Protection Units and the self administration that met over a span of 2 days and was concluded with a final meeting of all parties which confirmed that the ground vital force will have the decisive word when the political solution to Syria conflict begins. They also agreed on increasing the military support with ammunition and the number of airstrikes to fight against ISIS and liberate more regions from them.

Hassou clarified that they tried to participate in Geneva 3 conference with the opposition delegation since such meetings represent the basic and vital power which will have the decisive word in the Syrian conflict solutions.


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