Bahraini heritage displayed at aljasara center handcraft show

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Handicrafts vary in Bahrain and Aljasra center for craftsmen is one of the most important centers in the Arab Gulf states, and was established to revive traditional handicrafts to life again, by luring local artisans of textile industry, pottery, ships and ornate boxes, gypsum and plaster popular musical instruments and other popular crafts to preserve the cultural identity of the Kingdom of Bahrain.




Aljasra center for craftsmen is one of the most important centers in the Arab Gulf states, and was established to revive traditional handicrafts to life again and to preserve the cultural identity of cultural heritage. This is a part of the country history and the center was opened by His Royal Highness Prince Khalifa bin Salman Al Khalifa, Prime Minister in 1991 in the village of Aljasra.

The center is distinguished with an agricultural environment such as the textile industry in the village of Bani Jamra, and the baskets Karbabad village, pottery of Alli village, while the vessels and tools has been known by each of the cities of Manama and Muharraq.

The center was established t create new job opportunities and to support tourism in the country.


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