Jordanian authorities release the Deputy Controller General of the Muslim Brotherhood

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The Jordanian authorities released the Deputy Comptroller General of the Muslim Brotherhood (Islamic action front party), Zaki Bin Ershaid after finishing his sentence.





The Jordanian Authorities released Zaki Bin Ershaid after finishing his sentence of a year and a half since he was arrested by the State security in November 2014 on charges of disturbing the relations with friendly country as he was the Deputy Comptroller General of the Muslim Brotherhood, the movement section of Islamic action front party.

It is worth mentioning that Bani Ershaid refused to leave the jail facility cause of the security services confiscation of his memoirs a few days before his release, and the Jordanian government has pledged to hand him his memoirs as he left the prison. His lawyer, Abdel-Qader Al-Khatib said that Ershaid finished his sentence and full duration of a year and a half.

The party arranged a celebration in front of Ershaids house at 10am for his release after a year and a half sentence.



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