Jordan – Jordan’s King Abdullah II delivers throne speech before National Assembly


Location: Amman, Jordan
Language: Arabic
Duration: 00:03:50
Voice: Natural
Source: A24 Jordan
Restriction: A24 subscribers
Date: 13/11/2022

During the inauguration of the 19th Parliament’s second ordinary session on Sunday, King Abdullah II of Jordan praised the vision of economic modernization that binds governments. He pointed out that comprehensive modernization with its political, economic and administrative tracks is a great national project on which all national goals and efforts must be focused.
He added that political and economic modernization is not complete without an effective public administration that provides the best services to citizens and adopts modern technology as a means to speed up achievement and productivity.
King Abdullah underscored that Jordan will continue to focus on defending the Palestinian cause, which is a top priority for Jordan.
In his throne speech, he said that Jordan would continue to support the Palestinian cause and that the solution begins with ending the Israeli occupation and establishing an independent Palestinian state.
” As their closest neighbors, we will work to ensure they are key partners in regional projects, and we will not accept their marginalization, reaffirming, at the same time, that economic empowerment cannot replace a political solution,” the Jordanian monarch added.

Shot list:

  • Soundbite (King Abdullah II – King of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan):
    “Your esteemed assembly played a crucial role in the national modernization drive, building on consensus by endorsing the constitutional and legislative amendments regulating partisan and parliamentary work. our contribution was also vital in completing the Economic Modernization Vision, which governments are obligated to implement, and it shall be a key metric in assessing their performance and commitment before you.”
  • Soundbite (King Abdullah II – King of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan):
    “This key role that Jordan plays also remains focused on defending the Palestinian cause, which we have always supported and continue to support. It is our highest priority, and it can only be resolved by reaching a just and comprehensive solution that begins with ending the Israeli occupation and the establishment of an independent Palestinian state on the 4 June 1967 lines, with East Jerusalem as its capital.”
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