Jordan – Massive protest march against Balfour Declaration, in support of Jerusalem


Location: downtown Amman – Jordan

Language: Arabic

Duration: 00:04:21

Sound: natural

Source: A24 in Amman

Restrictions: A24 subscribers

Date: 04/11/2022


Public and political parties organized a massive protest march outside Grand Husseini Mosque in capital Amman, under the slogan “Loyalty to West Bank and Martyrs”, against Balfour Declaration, in support of Palestinians fight to defend Islamic sanctities in Jerusalem.

Protesters raised Jordanian and Palestinian flags, and chanted slogans in support of Al-Aqsa Mosque and Palestinian resistance against Israel.

November 2 is the 105th anniversary of the Balfour Declaration issued in 1917, when British Foreign Secretary James Balfour sent a letter to Lord Lionel Walter Rothschild, one of the leaders of the Zionist movement, granting the Jews the right to establish a national home in Palestine.


– Soundbite (Yanal Freihat – Member of the Jordanian Parliament):

“We are here today in solidarity to deliver a message in support of the resistance in Palestine, in support of the youth who returned to take up arms and resist Israeli occupation. Our message is to the Zionist government headed by Netanyahu, who is returning to power, to watch the Jordanian public, all uniting in support of the resistance in Palestine.”

– Soundbite (Moath Al-Khawalid – Media Spokesperson for the Islamic Action Front Party):

“We are here today in this massive protest, to affirm that Jordanian people stand with Palestinian people in their fight to liberate Palestine. We are here to say that Jordanian people still do not acknowledge Balfour Declaration even after 105 years have passed.”

– Soundbite (Abdul Majeed Thneibat – Observer-General of the Muslim Brotherhood in Jordan):

“We are here to denounce and reject Balfour Declaration, that continues to afflict the nation of Palestine and its people to this day.”

– Soundbite (Dhaher Amro – Founder of the Al-Hayat Jordanian Party):

“The Israeli situation is at its worst, due to global issues, war in Ukraine, and resistance in Palestine. Palestinian people continue to hold on to their land with grit and determination unlike any other.”

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