Syria – Aleppo mourns prominent media activist Muhammad Abu Ghannoum and his wife


Location: Al-Bab, east of Aleppo, Syria

Language: Arabic


Voice: Natural

Source: A24 North Syria

Date: 08/10/2022


Thousands of residents of Al-Bab city in eastern Aleppo, today, Saturday, mourned prominent media activist Muhammad Abu Ghannoum and his wife after they were assassinated by unknown gunmen in northern Syria.  Al-Bab activists called, in a unified statement, for civil disobedience and a comprehensive closure of the city, starting this morning, Saturday, in protest against the assassination of revolutionary activist Abu Ghanoum, and in rejection of all policies of institutions, factions and external influencers. They underscored that the aim of the strike and disobedience was to “put an urgent end to the security chaos in the city, which resulted from the corruption of officials and their blind dependence on external parties.” The “Syrian Interim Government” had issued a statement earlier, on Friday evening, condemning “this cowardly operation, which falls within the context of operations aimed at intimidating civilians and destabilizing security in the region.”

Shot list:

Soundbite (Naim Alloman – Activist):

“The assassination is a catastrophe for all people of the city of Al-Bab and the displaced, both young and old. There is no one in the city does not know Abu Ghannoum. He was well-known for helping the oppressed. He was always defending the oppressed and demanding justice and equity. Amid the absence of institutions that take measures to hold the corrupt accountable, people turned to him to restore their rights. This is the real reason for his assassination.”

Soundbite (Muhamad Ali – Activist):

“Our sit-in today is a protest against the assassination of the martyr. Al-Bab area is not sad, but angry and rebellious. Our sit-in today is for all the martyrs and victims who spoke the word of truth. Muhammad Abu Ghanoum will not be the last. There may be more victims, but we must take a firm and frank stance to talk about these conditions, which have recently become deteriorating and intolerable.”

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