Syria – Purebred Arabian horses in Idlib at risk of losing their lineage


Location: Binnish Town – Idlib Governorate – Syria

Language: Arabic

Duration: 00:04:8

Sound: natural

Source: A24 in northern Syria

Restrictions: A24 subscribers

Date: 09/25/2022


The World Arabian Horse Organization (WAHO) does not have a branch in Idlib, making it difficult for breeders to transport blood and hair samples to areas under the control of Syrian regime, risking horses to lose their lineage, as breeders are unable to register their purebred horses.

Breeders of purebred Arabian horses in Idlib, northern Syria, face difficulties in registering their horses. The lack of proof of lineage could cause breeders to lose money because the value and price of unregistered purebred horses will drop to that of ordinary horses.

Breeders told A24 that medical services for their horses are poor, as there is lack of medical centers and veterinarians, which affects the health of Arabian horses and threatens their lives.


– Soundbite (Afif El-Sayed – Horse breeder and jockey):

“We have been facing many difficulties recently, including loss of many horses killed during war by missiles, rockets and shooting, as well as diseases due to lack of medications and treatment, lack of interest from specialized international organizations, high prices of fodder and medications, and horse registration. This is the only year in which we did not register horses, the previous year we registered horses and paid large sums of money to the international WAHO organization, because this region is considered a “terror” area, and if these purebred Arabian horses are not registered, their lineage will be lost in the future.”

– Soundbite (Abdo El-Sayed – Horse club owner and jockey):

“We opened a club to train horse riding for children age 5 years and above. to train. As for horses, their breeding is very intricate, as we have a lack of vaccines and medications, which has caused the death of a number of horses. I lost four horses in the span of four months due to the lack of vaccinations and medical diagnosis. Medical diagnosis here is weak, we can only know the cause after the horse dies and autopsy is performed.”

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