Mongolia – NFT platform allows artists to showcase, sell their art pieces securely


Location: Ulaanbaatar – Mongolia

Language: Mongolian

Voice: Natural

Duration: 00:05:33

Source: A24

Restrictions: A24 Clients

Dateline: 19-02-2022


In September 2021, Mongolian engineers introduced the Mongolian Non-Fungible Token (NFT) platform to the public to bring Mongolian artists to the world. Today, they have released more than 6,000 NFT’s. They are also at the forefront of many online development projects, including the “Sandbox Metaverse,” where the Mongolian NFT was purchasing land in November 2021 to build a Mongolian culture, history, and art center. Mongolia NFT announced a competition to build a “Meta Ulaanbaatar” city in the meta world with a $35,000 prize for the winners. In February 2022, the winners of the contest were announced and meta Ulaanbaatar was introduced. A total of 113 teams participated in the competition, and the “Seven Pixel” team was announced the winner. Their work is aimed at introducing history and culture to the youth, as well as promoting Mongolia to the world.

Shot lists:

 (SOUNDBITE): B. Gabit, Founder of the Mongolian NFT

“The Mongolian NFT project was launched in September 2021. Our main goal is to allow artists in Mongolia to upload their work to our platform and sell it to anyone in the world. But by creating Meta Ulaanbaatar, we will be able to host our museums, art shows, and exhibitions there, as in real life, and reach 300 million people in Metaverse, not only in Mongolia but all over the world. This will allow them [the artists] to visit the meta-city of Ulaanbaatar and see the Mongolian Tsagaan Sar and the Mongolian Naadam.”

 (SOUNDBITE): E. Michael, the Head of Trading and Research Department, Tavan Bogd Capital Securities Company

“The world’s major powers, countries, and businessmen are investing heavily in the meta-world. Of course, the United States is a key player. In addition, China has decided to develop a meta-market, even though it has completely banned the crypto market. China’s largest technology giants are investing heavily, starting with Tencent and Alibaba. It is estimated that in the future this market will be $8 trillion. So, it is clear that it will be a very big world with a future, so I think it is a great achievement for Mongolia to build its own Ulaanbaatar without delay.”

(SOUNDBITE): Sextsagaanbogd, an artist

“The biggest opportunity for Mongolian NFT for artists is, first of all, the large number of users on Mongolian NFT. Once established, the platform will not be new. If an artist wants to sell his work, there would be a demand. Demand is the most important thing. Second, it will be financially supportive. In addition, the most important thing is that the intellectual property is secured on a blockchain system. So artists would not have to have their lawyers. If my song goes on karaoke or somewhere without permission, that’s a problem. So, it can be understood that this problem is completely solved through NFT.”

 (SOUNDBITE): Kh. Tsenguun, the Seven Pixel team leader

“The origin of man begins with history. So we will not forget our history. We created our work in an attempt to combine history and modernity.”

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