Iraq: Attempts to internationalize the crimes committed by ISIS against Yazidis.

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Legal and civil Kurdish human rights institutions are seeking to intensify their efforts in pushing for the internationalization of the issue of the Kurds and Yazidis crimes committed by ISIS against them from killing, kidnapping and captivity of their wives and daughters by documenting these crimes and submitting them to the competent international courts.




Kurdistan Regional Government worked within tribunal plan to document the crimes committed by ISIS after its invasion of Mosul and Nineveh Plain.

Those efforts have succeeded in bringing the documents to the international courts and the issue of Iraq’s accession to the Rome Convention was an obstacle to such efforts, while Kurdish government agencies call for Iraqi federal government to enter into this agreement to consider what happened to the minorities, especially the Yazidis as “Jinoseid” crimes.

Kurdish academics and intellectuals affirm the need to work in order to reduce the crimes committed against the Kurds throughout history where they faced Anfal operations and were hit by chemical weapons, they aslo emphasize the importance of international recognition of such crimes and punishing the perpetrators.

Ethnic, racial and religious minorities in the Nineveh Plain were exposed to the most heinous crimes by ISIS that swept through their areas in Mosul and Nineveh Plain in the summer of 2014 and committed the most heinous crimes such as murder, kidnapping and captivity of women and girls from the Yezidi religion, raaping them and selling them as alaves in the slave markets in Syria and Iraq.

It is noteworthy that the Strategic Institute for International Relations and diplomatic work is one of those who sought to document the crimes that were committed by ISIS against minorities, especially Yazidi Kurds by urging university students and academics to conduct researches and studies for those crimes.

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