Somalia – Factory in Mogadishu turns waste into building materials

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Mogadishu-Somalia 31/03/2019

In an attempt to bring hope back to a country that was torn by wars and famine, a Somali man established a factory to recycle waste and turn it into bricks and building materials in Al-Jazira St., which overlooks the Indian Ocean Coast in Mogadishu’s southern suburb, near a garbage compound, which makes it easier to move waste to the factory, which turns it into building materials. According to those in charge of the factory, “Africa” ​​factory produces up to 14 thousand pieces of brick on a daily basis, which makes the factory environmentally friendly, not to mention that it also provides the market with the necessary bricks, instead of importing expensive materials. The factory also secured many job opportunities for young people and displaced women who live in Mogadishu’s camps, which in turn reduces the unemployment rate in the city.


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