Ban Ki-Moon visit

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UN Secretary-General, Ban Ki-Moon attended on tuesday the closing session of Tunisia’s national dialogue on employment, which was held in Tunis.

Ban Ki-Moon stressed the importance of UN’s standing along with Tunisia in facing the country’s crisis at all levels.

UN Secretary-General, Ban Ki-Moon attended on tuesday the closing session of Tunisia’s national dialogue on employment, which was held in Tunis.

Ban Ki-Moon stressed the United Nations support for the transition path in Tunisia, and confirmed the support for the economic and social paths by supporting youth employment programs to reduce unemployment and give young people the opportunity to achieve and assert themselves.

Employment Minister, Ziad Al-Athari, indicated the significance of the United Nations support and the international cooperation for the advancement of the development path. While Secretary-general of the democratic path, Sameer Al-tayyeb, pointed out the importance of this visit, which confirms the continued international support to Tunisia at all levels.



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