Syria: Kurds declare federal system in northern Syria

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The Constituent Assembly of the Federal Democratic Union acknowledged federation in the three regions Kobani, Afrin and Aljazeera in a meeting held on Thursday in Rmelan city located in Al- Hasakah province, northeastern Syria. The conference concluded its work to establish the Federal Democratic Union of Rojava with a joint presidential system.


The Constituent Assembly of the Federal Democratic Union acknowledged federation in the three regions Kobani, Afrin and Aljazeera in a meeting held on Thursday in Rmelan city located in Al-Hasakah province, northeastern Syria. The conference concluded its work to establish the Federal Democratic Union of Rojava with a joint presidential system.

Participants discussed in the founding meeting of the Federal Democratic Union in Rojava- northern Syria the form and system of the union administration in its second day. The Commission amended some federal democratic system documents, and this comes after the suffering of the Syrian society components from marginalization which prevented them from participating in the identification the fate of the Syrian crisis. The meeting stressed that the federal system will ensure



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